- 可矫平材料的宽度和厚度分别可达 2500 mm 和 40 mm
- 范围广泛的定制服务:从协助您自行执行矫平作业到为您处理整个订单(包括运输)
- 快速处理订单并严格遵守截止日期
- 配备最新 Peak Performer 零件矫平机的最先进机器组合
- 哪怕是冲孔板材或具有复杂几何形状的零件,也可获得最佳矫平效果
- 2.5D 激光测量机和矫平测量结果记录可提供质量保证
- 经验丰富的专业人才
代加工矫平服务,甚至适用于厚度高达 40 mm 的厚板
使用 Peak Performer 零件矫平机以毫米级精度矫平厚板
柯乐矫平中心的机器可以处理很大厚度范围内的板材。可精确可靠地矫平厚达 40 mm 的厚板或零件坯件,效果同矫平 0.2 mm 的薄板时一样。
MARTIN LOHSE GmbH/Maschinenbau Lohse GmbH
技术总裁 Dietmar Warnke

当涉及到冲孔板材的边缘或中间波纹时,柯乐 Peak Performer 零件矫平机的毫米级精度可调辊弯曲功能不失为您的理想解决方案。在中间或边缘处特别抬起的矫平辊可靠地消除了边缘或中间波纹,从而确保提供平整、无应力的板材。
Tension in the ice channel - but not in the material
KOHLER levels Sled parts for use by the German Skeleton team
High-tech equipment for German top-class sport is the specialty of FES, the German institute for research and development of sports equipment. This is where equipment including sleds for the German skeleton team are built. Precision and quality are decisive when competing. Working together with its technology partner, FES developed the individual sleds that saw the German “Skeletoni” team race to several medals at the 2021 World Championships.
The frame of the skeleton sled consists of several longitudinal and transverse struts, as well as base panels. These parts are leveled in the KOHLER Leveling Center before assembly to meet the high requirements for straightness and accuracy, and to eliminate tension in the material.